hey guys its me your gaming news girl. okay listen up there are some good and great news releases coming up!
first we have The Amazing Spider-Man the game, this looks really fantastic, its not child like, not one of those dimension games. its like similar to Web of Shadows this should be really worth it click here to see the trailer
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUq5los siRU&feature=relmfu
we got Rainbow Six Patriots, i the Rainbow Six series its really interesting, i got Rainbow Six Vegas on my PSP 1000, this game looks really hectic and hell looks hella fun too, bad thing is its going ot be development in two years which will come out in 2013, but looks pretty fun though click here to see the trailer
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMz8PKe 5RFU&feature=relmfu
next up we got Lollipop Chainsaw, this game you must get, and will be released next year sometime, its about you play as a cheerleading girl in America and she is a zombie hunter, she likes lollipops and she holds a chainsaw, a cute one too. she slashes around zombies and shit. but the girl looks so cute ^.^
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDmaJwK K_ZI
we got Final Fantasy Xlll-2, this game will come out in somewhere January or February next year in 2012, so if you are a fan of the Final Fantasy series this you might get, Lightning is my favourite, shes fucking hot
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pj6pGoS U5LI
next up we have HALO 4!!!, you will be going as Masterchief once more with Cortana, you will be fighting unknown beings and no its not the fucking forerunners. its another being. anyways if you're lucky you might spartans that might be still alive, even Dr.Halsey. click here to see trailer
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TC2yMKM ENdg
next up we have Transformers Fall of Cybertron, guess whos in it? GRIMLOCK!!!!!!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnazs2t 5Brg
next we have Mass Effect 3, we're gonna drop into Earth bro! I'm really craving for Female Shephard, who wouldn't like Female Shephard? now thats fucking hot. you guys like fucking chicks in that game? i do. though i wish do i have the game :(
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnEej1R fqTs
well thats it for me guys, thanks for reading and watching, be prepared for your wallet and get ready to spend some awesome games, and also for gamers, fuck some chicks already.
Love. Hakuru15