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    Australia, Sydney, 21, Trap | 3D Artist/Designer/Modeler | Kawaii Potato >:3

    Age 28, Female

    3D Modeler

    AIT Sydney

    Australia, Sydney NSW

    Joined on 12/29/08

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    Hakuru15's News

    Posted by Hakuru15 - June 16th, 2011

    hi hi its me again! new trailer of street fighter vs teken! fuck I'm a fan of both games. this trailer will make you wanna orgasm for some more shit!

    i know i sound really wrong D: but who cares! just watch the new trailer!

    don't forget about need for speed run and also new other freaking games that are coming out

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leeqMxv QwpM&feature=related

    street fighter X Tekken new trailer

    Posted by Hakuru15 - June 16th, 2011

    HAKURU_15 NETWORKS 16/06/11

    hey guys its me again okay so yeah the new assassins creed game is coming out and the trailer has been released and stuff, you guys have already know that halo 4 is coming out as well, for halo CE remake i htink that will be coming out in November i think. i think that's what im saying "i... think" and for all of you Resident Evil Fans like me fuck yeah. watch this awesome trailer of Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City okay thank you bye ^^

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3Au5JO 6FqA

    HAKURU_15 NETWORKS 16/06/11

    Posted by Hakuru15 - June 7th, 2011

    alright guys i knew this would freaking come! alright you guys are halo fans like me right?! guess what! 343 industries has announced HALO 4! the trailer is out today you gotta see it I'm freaking hooked up on this game can't wait!

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXvChHX UQjg&feature=topvideos_entertainment


    Posted by Hakuru15 - June 3rd, 2011

    HAKURU_15 NETWORKS 03/06/11

    hey guys uh, i can't be bothered doing the game news and all that stuff so let the guys from sanity not included do it for you ^^

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVxcCAA 5kWI&list=SL

    HAKURU_15 NETWORKS 03/06/11

    Posted by Hakuru15 - May 25th, 2011

    HAKURU_15 NETWORKS 25/05/11

    HELLO THERE! okay guys you ready? no seriously are you guys FUCKING ready for this! because i give you.... Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3... trailer.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NH0fKEL TUdE&feature=relmfu

    HAKURU_15 NETWORKS 25/05/11

    Posted by Hakuru15 - May 21st, 2011

    HAKURU_15 NETWORKS 22/05/11

    hey guys hows it going today? look i know theres not much gaming news i haven't checked out today but uh you know monster hunter the latest one? yeah ones the best weapon to use and which weapon is best to upgrade and armor?

    I like being a Gunner though so can anyone give me some tips and all that, I've already played monster hunter freedom but I'm playing the latest one can anyone give me some good tips for being a Gunner or the best stuff to use and things? thanks :)

    HAKURU_15 NETWORKS 22/05/11

    Posted by Hakuru15 - May 20th, 2011

    HAKURU_15 NETWORKS 21/05/11

    kunichiwa! just one more month away for Supanova 2011 Australia! man conventions can so damn cool even if you see hot girls in cosplays and fan boys with cameras and cool kick ass stuff they hold onto!

    anyways if your a fan of hitman theres a new upcoming hitman game coming up heres the link to the trailer

    http://www.youtube.com/verify_age?next _url=http%3A//www.youtube.com/watch%3F v%3DShOudDoIt-U%26feature%3Div%26annot ation_id%3Dannotation_668084

    its too fucking bad that i can't see the trailer because my account has to link to yahoo, which i don't want to make my account for yahoo -_-

    HAKURU_15 NETWORKS 21/05/11

    Posted by Hakuru15 - May 17th, 2011

    HAKURU_15 NETWORKS 18/05/11

    hey guys for all of you PS3 fans and PSN and stuff they say that the PSN network will be up and running in May 31st ^^

    HAKURU_15 NETWORKS 18/05/11

    Posted by Hakuru15 - May 15th, 2011

    HAKURU_15 NETWORKS 15/05/11


    shall we talk about games? yes we can.

    anyways COD MW 3 has been leaked and yes it is pretty much been confirmed. i think it has been confirmed because.... YOU CAN PLAY IN NEW YORK FUCKING CITY!

    also 343 industries is working on a halo 4 game.... now what the fuck?

    but seriously im still a halo fan, i mean you know girl fan, boy fan. fuck it, total big fan.

    oh yeah and next month in Australia which i am in now, will be Supanova! a few months ago i went to animania so i will be taking lots of photos this time at supanova. well that is all peoples sorry it was a very short news, i am very lazy T_T I'm too busy drawing manga and too busy checking out some news. that i really need to do some other stuff such as work and getting myself some cash for supanova :( well heres a hot picture for all of you guys ^^

    HAKURU_15 NETWORKS 15/05/11

    Posted by Hakuru15 - April 20th, 2011

    HAKURU_15 NETWORKS 21/04/11

    to let you guys know that there a Battlefield play4free. its not one of those Hero games and shit. its actually for free and its basically battlefield 2. but i think they put new stuff into battlefield 2. so yeah if you see an add of battlefield play4free then download it straight away, install it in your computer or your cock or some shit. but yeah its free. its easy to install and fun. but I'm sticking with Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising goddamn it that games hard. 8th mission fucking hell. anyways so yeah for free and fun to play. if there's any other games I've missed out I've been saying then feel free to comment about it. oh also one more thing does anyone know where to read Reiko the Zombie Shop? I'm to the 7th volumn now and its translated in Japanese i want the English one.

    HAKURU_15 NETWORKS 21/04/11