hey guys let me just say that today that on Friday you propably heard that COD: MW 2 DLC is finally out but its pretty fucking expensive but WORTH playing. anyways BioShock 2 is one of the top selling games on February and also top ten heavy rain. oh and even so Xbox 360 is one of the top selling units of todays year, but.... not the red ring... thats... the ring of death.... don't mind them... just.. play....
have you guys heard that in Japan Mcdonalds making workers use DS to make them work harder and become smart? fucking wierd.
that reminds me inside gaming released this kool news about the "Frag Cup" this time you win money thats right folks head onto facebook type down Frag Cup and see the top winners or so or maybe you can register and head onto the Frag Cup its easy and simple, on Saturday we went to Animania it was fucking sweet.
Next Year there might be a Gears of war 3 next year but says here that they don't want to compete it with halo reach or the other games i forgot.
oh yeah a awlkthrough demo of Splinter Cell convictions out but yeah pretty much out b4 then idk too lazy checking the releases.
Dragon Origins new trailers been release so watch it but the game costs like 40 bucks
anyways check up on that frag cup thing anyways laterz