fuck yea this looks cool, i see what they mean by 2 player co-op but the thing about that is that you can have, solo drop in drop out kind of thing so they don't need to keep crying about that shit, ta me i thinks its cool my friend in me loves dead space in now we can play the damn thing with co-op, the thing i'm trying to say is if you play solo games in don't play co-op with alot of friends don't think its going to be shit, it has co-op drop in drop out
So human enemies, the good old necros and Isaac still looking for his still hopefully alive girlfriend.
And co-op. Well it takes the sense of dread for not being able to watch your back and that nerving sensation of not being sure if you're alone or not, but I think this can still make a scary as fuck game if done right. Hell it worths the shot.
well it is suppose to be a scary game, i mean look at Silent Hill your fucking by yourself, same with Dead Space, you always have to do shit all by yourself. so people should stop bitching about "OH WHY CAN I NOT HAVE SOMEBODY BY MYSELF?!" well I'm sorry BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO BE! MOMMY AND DADDY ISN'T GONNA WIPE YOUR SHIT FOR YA ALL DAY! its as simple as that for Dead Space