Hello my lovely readers this is your gaming news girl for 2013 20th of January and this is your news! Hey remember that fucked up world where we would roam around after the nuclear war called Fallout and we loved how we would shoot people's limbs off? Well guess what guys there's rumors or news about a fall out 3 tv show which might be coming soon, now we don't know about that but Erik Todd Dellums tweeted that there may be more dogs coming! Does this mean there will be a Fall out 3 tv show coming soon? Who knows, but man hearing about this is getting me pumped! Check out this video for more:
FALLOUT 3 TV show COMING soon? Maybe.
And also i somehow stumbled across this video on youtube, watching this makes me want to play skyrim again :3
Skyrim Top 10 Weird Weapons Mods
talking about "Nuclear shit" my fucking record in nuketown zombies is round 34, hehe, im fucking noob.