Sorry guys, I've been off for quite some time now. I'm now in 12th grade and finally 18! Woohoo! I have a job now so I'm steadily studying and working at the same time yippee. Which means i can finally buy myself some awesome things! I also finally got myself a debit card so I am now enjoying treating myself with some goodies :3
I've also kept up to date with gaming and all that other stuff that I've been doing here for the past few years and lately I've been quite slow and haven't been dedicating a lot of gaming news lately since i am sooooooooo tired and studying and working on my animations for my school work. Anyways I won't be on newgrounds that much and I'll probably try my best to be on more regularly but maybe by the time I'm on holidays or graduate I'll probably start actually doing something here. We also have a youtube channel called Triple G would be soooo much appreciate if you can subscribe to us if that would be awesome. I'll just leave the link here:
Oh yeah i almost forgot to mention about that, yes I have a youtube channel or more like "we" have a youtube channel. We're still steadilying rising up at the moment and we're trying to upload weekly maybe daily but so far our work has been getting in the way which is sort of kinda pissing us off BUT that doesn't mean we've actually stopped. At the moment I already made plans for what videos we're making. We don't just make game plays people WE ALSO MAKE OTHER STUPID SHIT! Which kinda revolves around other pop culture like conventions and other kinds of adventures we do.
So like i said peoples this doesn't mean I'm dead, means that i have a lot of work in my way and I'm doing the best i can to update regularly and to finish my work just so i can be with you guys! So far i like the site, newgrounds has been such a strong site ever since I first entered here. I remember i kept playing and watch all the flash and games here to the point i never actually made an account a next few years later. This was awhile back anyway.
Anyways! I'll see you guys later
Love, Hakuru15
Yes, Santa is my bae <3