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Hakuru15's News

Posted by Hakuru15 - January 15th, 2013


Hello! News this week, if you guys heard of achievement hunter or rooster teeth? Well they are having a play date (no homo) on planetside 2! The game is for free and can be installed onto the PC easily just head onto http://www.planetside2.com/ and just sign up and install!

Also Minecraft just sold 15 million copies from different platforms last year! Holy shit!

Devil May Cry is coming out this week, isn't that exciting? Or is it not? I don't know i never really touched the game but i see a lot of people saying bad and good things about the new game, well who knows? Might as well buy the game :P

Also i think there were hints about the next Batman game hmm......

Well that does it this week! Enjoy some Skyrim porn!

Rooster Teeth Play Dates, Devil May Cry release and Minecraft 2012!

Posted by Hakuru15 - January 10th, 2013


Hello!!!! As you know IAWTV awards was live on stream yesterday, if you weren't watching it you can come over here to this link: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xwmu05_iawtv-aw ards-2013-synched_people#.UO7s-Injmf8
So you guys like halo? Do you guys like the epic series called red vs blue? Fuck yeah i do!
For the last ten years they have given us Supplemental Content, Podcast Gaming and also the best funniest videos they've given us not to mention awesome animated series!
Rooster Teeth has not only just won 1 award but two more awards! That makes 3 awards! Can anyone even pull that off? Well Rooster Teeth just did!
They have won the best podcast award, best supplemental content award and also the best animated series award! Now that's amazing!
Thanks for everyone that supported Rooster Teeth
Thanks RT for giving us and showing us the best things you guys created, we'll always support you and make sure you guys keep running! :D

IAWTV 2013 Rooster Teeth wins all 3 awards

Posted by Hakuru15 - January 9th, 2013


Hey guys it is me Hakuru15 your gaming news girl! So what news today? People have been talking about the Xbox 720 Countdown from this website http://majornelson.com/ is it true or is not true? Once you have entered into the site just scroll down and you'll see the countdown, also the countdown is also for the E3 Expo convention (gaming convention) so be sure to check that out too if you guys love gaming so be sure to check for E3 updates!

So anyways from the news of Machinima Inside Gaming Daily's they said that the steam box aka The Piston has been revealed, the piston is also upgradable as it is shown in the video, to find out more about the Steam Box check out Inside Gaming video in this link:
Xi3 Piston "Steam Box" Details CES 2013 - Inside Gaming Daily

Xbox 720 Countdown and Steam Box revealed?

Posted by Hakuru15 - January 5th, 2013

HAKURU_15 05/01/13

Well its been five days now, 2013 looks pretty good this year and not to mention new conventions are happening like Animania, Supanova, Armageddon, SMASH, those conventions are in Australia though, but if you live in the U.S then you guys probably have Comic-Con, and other kick ass conventions that you guys have which makes me very jelly :( but my favorite conventions of all time in the United States is Dragoncon which i totally would wish to go to.

This year Dragoncon 2013 will be coming up on August 30th and September 2nd in Atlanta Georgia, head onto this website to find more information:

And also check this out this kickass dragoncon 2012 video!

Epic Dragon Con 2012 Video

Well that's all guys, see you guys next time :)

Dragoncon 2013

Posted by Hakuru15 - December 25th, 2012



Two news this week, some sad news and some other weird news.

First news this week is THQ, unfortunately they are shutting down, sorry to everyone :(
Also another strange news this week is halo 4 where people have discovered that there are mods or cheaters out there in halo 4 where they can play with no heads. No heads? strange huh? If you do spot them make sure to report it to microsoft, they are still searching for the players.

That's about it for me thanks again for reading my posts, see ya next year :D

Merry Christmas, THQ bankruptsy and Halo 4 mods/cheaters

Posted by Hakuru15 - December 20th, 2012


Hello Final Fantasy fans!!! You guys like Lightning? Then guess what! She's back in action, just like what Square Enix said, the next installment for final fantasy 13 will be coming out next year. Its called Lightning Returns and this is the final chapter of Lightning and the final fantasy 13 series, you have about 13 days before the world ends. There is only one ending, so there's no bad ending or no matter what you actually do so just do whatever you want in the game. The game will be released next year, no release date has been confirmed but I'm guessing next year for 2013 is going to be awesome. Check out the trailer here:
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy Xlll Debut Trailer

Final Fantasy Xlll Lightning Returns Debut Trailer

Posted by Hakuru15 - December 18th, 2012


Hiya! gaming news chick yeah!!! So news have been spreading around that people have been figuring out that the next DLC will be Sir Hammerlock Big Game Hunt which sounds pretty fucking cool. Also they fixed up most of the borderlands 2 patches. Okay bye Merry Christmas or whatever. Also before any of "us" go, if you have PSN please do add me, as always it is Hakuru15, thanks really appreciated, don't forgot to promote the url as well. Bye now.

Next Borderlands 2 DLC?

Posted by Hakuru15 - December 16th, 2012


Check out the game of the year award nominee's of 2012 from Machinima Inside Gaming, see if your favorite games have been nominated

Inside Gaming Award Game of the Year Nominees - Inside Gaming Daily 12/6/12

Machinima: Game of the Year Award Nominees 2012

Posted by Hakuru15 - December 13th, 2012


Holy shit this movie looks fucking beast! Also if your wondering why the robot voice sounds like GLaDoOS because IT IS Ellen McLain's voice is in it! Check it out its awesome!

Pacfic Rim Official Trailer

Pacific Rim Official Trailer

Posted by Hakuru15 - December 12th, 2012


Hey guys its your lovely gaming news girl Hakuru15, remember the first Mario game that you guys played and Bowser was easy to beat just by dropping on lava? And remember that white and red and orange looking mushroom we would use to fire out fireballs which made a lot easier for the players to go through stages? That was pretty fucking fun but seriously guys come on there's something that we didn't know about Mario back in the days, click here in this video and Achievement Hunter will tell you about Five Facts about Mario
http://ah.roosterteeth.com/archive/?id=6345&v=tr ending

Five Facts about Super Mario Bros