Australia, Sydney, 21, Trap | 3D Artist/Designer/Modeler | Kawaii Potato >:3

Age 28, Female

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AIT Sydney

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Joined on 12/29/08

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Hakuru15's News

Posted by Hakuru15 - July 4th, 2013


ATTENTION ALL SPARTANS! Okay that sounds stupid but anyways hey there halo fans and halo gamers you got halo 4 on your Xbox 360 right? Well if you still haven't heard or you might've heard just to remind you that there is a halo 4 competition coming up by 343 Industries themselves now if you live somewhere in Texas the competition is gonna be held in Austin at RTX '13, that's right folks Rooster Teeth! What's that you ask? You can't make it there? Hey man no problem don't worry you can just sign up online don't have to be there anyway, The competition is world wide and the grand prize?

$200, 000 dollars!

The competition is going to last for July to August so you still have enough time, so you got a gamer tag just sign up and bam you are in the game. Finals will take place in Seattle on August 31st oh and also if you are wondering when? Well....
ITS ON TOMORROW! 05/07/13!

So hell, what the hell are you guys waiting for? Head on this website here!

Halo 4 Global Championship Register

oh and watch this vid please you might understand it more than reading this haha
Rooster Teeth PSA: halo Global Championship


Posted by Hakuru15 - July 2nd, 2013


Hello there gamers just a quick announcement to make that yesterday square enix revealed a trailer where if you pre-order the game lightning can wear Cloud Strife's clothes from Final Fantasy 7, mhm that's right folks remember that hot looking blonde from Final Fantasy 7? Not only that but you also get his Buster Sword with it! It's like a remake of Final Fantasy 7 all over again but we don't know about that yet haha. So anyways if you are a huge final fantasy fan pre-order the game to get your Cloud Strife outfit for Lightning:

Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII Cloud Uniform Trailer

Pre-Order Final Fantasy Lightning Returns for Cloud Strife Uniform

Posted by Hakuru15 - June 10th, 2013


Why g'day mates! From Australia here your gaming news girl on newgrounds giving you gaming! And pretty much movies if i feel like it haha! Anyways what's that i hear? Do i hear halo fans screaming across the whole world? Why yes this morning i just discovered a halo 5 trailer from the Halo Universe Fan page on facebook, thanks to them i got to watch the halo 5 trailer and DAMN! It's already gotten my excited, also are you guys at E3 yet? OH COME ON! what are you guys waiting for? Head down at E3 already! Or better yet just watch this trailer :) If that doesn't make you feel better then if you are a red vs blue man, red vs blue season 11 is coming out in 3 days! *gasp* i know right fucking exciting!

Halo 5 Teaser Trailer

Halo 5 Tease Trailer Released

Posted by Hakuru15 - June 10th, 2013


Wassup my favorite readers! Like i say i apologize for the huge delay and news that i missed out to post but hey I'm sure you guys already checked out news from Machinima, gamespot and all other gaming news websites anyway right? Well I'm here to remind you guys that tomorrow is a big day today for electronics and gaming. Mhm you are wondering "what the fuck are you talking about?" what i am going to remind you is that E3 is tomorrow!

Yep, press conferences, games, electronics hell even the Xbox one games as well if y'know what I'm saying. So here are the times at E3:
Microsoft opening at 9:30 AM don't miss out
EA - 1:00 PM if you guys like sports and battlefield 4
Ubisoft - 3 PM Assassins Creed 4 Black Flag
and lastly and not least Sony - 6 PM so what the hell are you guys waiting for? HEAD OVER AT E3 NOW! :D Just don't expect me to be there since I'm in Australia :(

Oh and also another quick reminder for anyone in Australia NSW Sydney is that Supanova is coming up on the 21st - 23rd of June now you guys can EXPECT me to be there! See ya guys there.


Posted by Hakuru15 - May 18th, 2013


So its been awhile huh? Sorry that this gamer news girl has been a while for a while due to:
Making comics
Planning commissions for other people
Checking out game news but lazy to put them up on newgrounds
Playing a bunch of demos which i can't afford new games
Doing shitty assignments such as "Geography"
Going for my L's
Watching Achievement hunter (great guys by the way)
And also watching machinima stuff and a bunch of lazy stuff which i am currently doing, oh and also saving up cash for the next convention, I'm really busy at the moment so that's why i couldn't fuck posting anything here on newgrounds since there were many gaming content that i didn't get to post here.
But you guys are probably big boys especially big girls to check gaming news on your own anyway without me having to post it here, if only i wasn't that lazy.

Anyways nothing to say here since a lot of you guys probably already checked news on youtube or IGN or "Kotaku", wait i don't even know why i even go to that site the fucks wrong with me?

Look all i could say is that I'm really sorry that I haven't been posting a lot and that I'm really caught up with a lot of work!

To make it up to you guys you can all see this:

So its been awhile....


Posted by Hakuru15 - March 6th, 2013


Hey there this is your gaming news girl for newgrounds 2013! This March is pretty damn fucking amazing do you know why? Well gamers that is because March has heaps of games that are releasing this month. As you already may know or some of you that may have "not" know that Tomb Raider the new game has just been released yesterday on the 5th of March, that's right its on Xbox 360 and the PS3 so what are you guys and girls waiting for? Go and head out there and buy the game! Also not only that's cool but check this out:

On the 12th of March God of War Ascension will be released and will feature multiplayer, mhm want me to say it again? "Multiplayer"

Not only on that day but for all you Blizzard Starcraft fans but Heart of the Swarm will be coming out on that day too so two games releasing on the same day, pretty fucking badass right?

On March 19th Gears of War Judgement and everybody's favorite zombie series Walking Dead Survival Instinct

March 26th New Army of Two - *Don't care what everybody says about the game, its awesome* Oh and yes also BioShock Infinite :)

There are many, many more releases coming this month gamers! Remember save up your wallets, and get out there and buy them games! Many more releases this month don't forget

March Game Releases!

Posted by Hakuru15 - March 2nd, 2013


Hey guys this is your gaming news today and our awesome excitement today is AC 4 Black Flag, this was announced a few days ago and somebody leaked it well, whoever it was haha, not to mention the trailer as well has been released although you might want to hurry and watch the trailer before it closes down because somebody leaked the trailer haha, damn whoever this guy is just "wow" anyways what are you guys waiting for? watch the trailer, the game will be available on October 29th this year so save up your wallets or i don't know get a job or something, well that's all from me, this is your gaming news girl, have a good day :)

Assassins Creed lV: Black Flag

Assassins Creed lV Black Flag Trailer

Posted by Hakuru15 - February 21st, 2013


So yesterday if you guys haven't heard yet the live stream for PS4 was just released, oh and yes the controller of the dualshock 4 is touch screen in the middle kinda like the PS Vita *still want to get that* I didn't watch all of the Live Stream but I think I'll wait till another year and buy it, too early for me haha, so what are you Playstation fans waiting for? Watch the goddamn live stream!

Playstation 4 Live Stream

Playstation 4 live stream announced

Posted by Hakuru15 - February 18th, 2013


Hey Mortal Kombat Fans its me your gaming news girl Hakuru15, so 9 hours ago i think the MK season 2 trailer has just been released by machinima, holy fucking shit that's awesome! If you guys haven't watched it i recommend you do, remember that same dude that played as shang tsung from the first mk movie? well his back and his still Shang Tsung, enjoy!



Posted by Hakuru15 - January 20th, 2013


Hello my lovely readers this is your gaming news girl for 2013 20th of January and this is your news! Hey remember that fucked up world where we would roam around after the nuclear war called Fallout and we loved how we would shoot people's limbs off? Well guess what guys there's rumors or news about a fall out 3 tv show which might be coming soon, now we don't know about that but Erik Todd Dellums tweeted that there may be more dogs coming! Does this mean there will be a Fall out 3 tv show coming soon? Who knows, but man hearing about this is getting me pumped! Check out this video for more:

FALLOUT 3 TV show COMING soon? Maybe.

And also i somehow stumbled across this video on youtube, watching this makes me want to play skyrim again :3

Skyrim Top 10 Weird Weapons Mods

Fallout 3 TV Show Coming Soon? And Awesome Skyrim Top 10 Mods!